Karena Tyan @kupowark
- Fav aspect abt Chuck? @RobBenedict just
really likes Chuck a lot. Didn't ask for situation, most unlikely dude
to carry moniker.
- Such a normal guy, down on himself, suddenly burdened wresponsibility, starts caring abt his chars. Love letter to show in SS.
- When is #spn bringing Chuck back? Much discussion, need to figure how. @RobBenedict would be an awesome God.
- @RobBenedict's stage-diving last night was cool. He's totally ok w/it. More than ok.
- Was Chuck aware he was God? @RobBenedict doesn't think so, went thru a journey to realize ID. Chuck was Eric Kripke
@RobBenedict is a "nervous twit". Gets anxious abt posting, smtms
deletes Tweets. Deleted tweet abt daughter seeing him in shower
Does @RobBenedict frolic? Tell him how and he will try. J2 just
spontaneously frolic? And pirouette? That's the gayest thing...
- But J2 probably look more manly than @RobBenedict, who is frolicking, pirouetting, & spinning on stage.
- If Chuck were God, what would he say to the archangels? Chuck wouldn't know what to say. Same guy who's ordering hookers!
"You guys are causing a ruckus & giving me a headache. Can you just
calm down for like, 5 minutes?" - @RobBenedict, Chuck to the archangels
- On pranks: @RobBenedict had to grab smthg from Jensen or @jarpad's trailer, didn't know the dogs were inside on attack mode.
On playing Chuck as a pathetic, alcoholic, normal guy "It's a stretch,
it's really a stretch." @RobBenedict channeled part of self
- The neurotic, self-conscious part of Chuck is closest to @RobBenedict himself; also Chuck in The End, keeping track of TP.
- What nerdy fan club would @RobBenedict be prez of? He's in a geeky Pearl Jam fan club, would be prez of that
Lani B'Shalom @LaniLaniDuck
- Oh my god @RobBenedict is so adorable.
- "If you let me keep talking I will tell you ANYTHING." -@RobBenedict
Jessie ♥ @MishaMadness
- Rob just did ten clap push-ups. Sorry, @mattcohen4real.
Stacy Roberts @StacyLRoberts
- @RobBenedict That is so me...have to decide what I'm drinking all day. Whiskey for me, too. #clinksglass
Moira @moika22
- Rob has a fear of really crowded places...he looks for the exits. He's working through it. #VegasCon
Rob loved Chuck. He is the most unlikely profit/God and everyday guy.
He loves his journey and his last epi was like a love letter to show
- Rob LOVED stage diving last night.
- Rob says that he can't stop talking when he starts